The Dental Suite is an area dedicated exclusively to dental procedures. All dental procedures are done under general anesthesia and the Dental Suite utilizes an anesthetic machine using the anesthetic agent Isoflurane. This is the safest means available of anesthetizing patients. Dental area complete with veterinary X-Ray system, Hot Dog patient warming system and Cardell veterinary monitor. The Dental Suite is equipped with ultrasonic and air-powered dental equipment for the cleaning and polishing of teeth. Also available are all of the dental tools needed for the doctor to perform dental procedures and oral surgery.

Acacia Pet Clinic has four examination rooms which open into the Reception Area. Each is equipped with comfortable seating, an examination table, and the necessary tools and equipment for the doctor to perform a thorough physical examination of your pet.

Pets with infectious diseases often require hospitalization. In order to treat these pets without inadvertently infecting other pets in the hospital, we have a separate infectious or isolation ward. This is a totally separate kennel area with its own heating and air conditioning system and separate access through a rear door. Careful isolation and sanitation effectively prevents the spread of highly contagious disease.



The laboratory is where important clinical laboratory tests are run. These include tests on blood, urine, feces, skin scrapings, body fluids, etc. Sophisticated laboratory equipment allows us to perform tests in minutes that otherwise could only be sent to an outside laboratory with considerable delay.


IDEXX Catalyst Dx Blood Analyzer – The Catalyst Dx is the most efficient in-house chemistry analyzer in veterinary diagnostics. This machine is capable of running multiple blood profiles from just a few cc’s of blood in a few minutes. The Catalyst uses dry-slide technology, using layers to remove impurities for the most accurate results. Tests for kidney, liver, pancreas and many other body functions are easily obtained. The speed at which these results can be obtained is especially useful for pre-anesthetic screening in which patients can be evaluated for safety prior to an anesthetic procedure on the same day as the procedure.


Heartworm testing – Heartworm is a blood parasite that affects dogs and occasionally cats. The parasite is spread by mosquitos and develops into large worms in the heart which can be fatal. Because an infected pet can carry the parasite for up to a year with no symptoms, it is necessary to check for heartworm by way of a blood test. An annual blood test is required even if heartworm preventative medication is given continuously.

Like a human pharmacy, our pharmacy is stocked with most of the medications needed to treat our pets. These medications include pills, capsules, topical medications, injectable medications and vaccines.


Radiology is an important part of the diagnostic process. Radiographs (x-rays) are taken of patients ranging in size from a few ounces to 200 pounds. Radiology equipment must be capable of providing detail on the smallest of patients and yet powerful enough to penetrate the largest ones. The Radiology area contains a powerful x-ray machine. Safety equipment for the staff includes lead aprons, gloves and thyroid shields and radiation dosimetry badges to monitor radiation exposure levels.


The darkroom is where the exposed radiographic film is developed. An automatic processor develops x-ray films up to 14″x17″ in about 2 minutes.


Developed radiographs (x-rays) are read by the doctors to aid in the diagnosis of the pet’s illness. Radiographs are then reviewed by board certified radiologists Larry Kerr, D.V. M. and Mark Lee, D.V.M.


We designed our reception area to be bright, open and airy. Over 60 feet wide, it features comfortable seating, a children’s play area and an internet video system that helps educate clients on the latest developments in pet care.


The reception area is also the place where appointments are made and your pet’s medical records are kept both in storage folders and our computerized record-keeping system.


The Surgery Suite is equipped to handle the simplest to the most complex surgical procedures. All surgeries performed in the Surgical Suite are done under general anesthesia and sterile conditions. Sterile instruments and surgical supplies are obtained from a pass-through to the Surgery Prep area. Equipment in the Surgery Suite includes anesthesia, monitoring and electrocautery equipment.


All surgical procedures are done under sterile conditions and all surgical instruments must be sterilized prior to use as well as surgical drapes and towels and anything that will contact the patient during surgery. In the Surgery Prep area, instruments and supplies are sterilized in an autoclave which sterilizes under high temperature and pressure. Completed instrument packs and supplies are stored in the pass-through cabinet and can then be removed from the Surgery Suite side when needed. Supplies needed for surgeries such as sterile surgeon’s gloves, caps, gowns, and suture materials are also stored in the Surgery Prep area.


The Treatment Area is the heart of the hospital. This is where many procedures are performed in the course of examination, diagnosis and treatment.


Most procedures which require general anesthesia are initiated in the Treatment Area. Anesthetized pets may then be moved to other areas of the hospital (e.g. radiology, surgery). Inhalation anesthesia is used for the ultimate in safety for the patient, and anesthetic gases are evacuated to the outside for the safety of the staff.

A large bank of cages in the Treatment Area allows for intensive care monitoring and anesthesia/surgical recovery.